Useful Information
Useful Information
We appreciate a phone call before 8.45 (if possible) in the morning if your child will not be attending school that day because the school secretary will ring parents of children who are not at school and from whom we have not heard.
We will call you and ask for you to come and collect your children if they are unwell. It is really important that you keep your child home if they are sick, as this will ensure they get over their illness a lot quicker and are ready to give 100% to their learning.
From time to time the Principal will send out an email updating the community on major bugs that are doing the rounds. These are often accompanied by signs and symptom information and an outline of how long recovery takes.
Before School Care
The Crofton Downs Primary School Board of Trustees offers Before School Care from 7.30am to 8.30 am each day, with supervised play in the hall and the school grounds. The cost is $6.00 per hour or $3.00 for half an hour. (Prices as at September 2016)
We will not be invoicing from term 4 2016. There will be prepaid ticket system running, a ten full morning ticket will be $60.
Issued per child, this will be billed to your child's student’s account.
Parents who are wanting to enrol their children in this service will need to complete a contact sheet which can be downloaded from HERE or you can ask at the school office for further details.
After School Care
An After School Care programme is run independently at the school by the YMCA, from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday during the school term. The YMCA uses two of our classrooms and the school grounds and offers trained staff, quality sufficient food, rest time and resources for children explore, play and learn.
The Enrolment Process
If you want or need after school care, follow these easy steps:
Visit our website, create an account and register online
Once you have set up your account, you can book online for any of our After and
Holiday Programmes as well as our Holiday Y-Camps at Kaitoke
Before you book, please familiarise yourself with the content of this letter and our
2014 Parent Handbook which you will find online from 13th Dec 2013. This book outlines all of our policies and procedures
For After Care, you can book regular days throughout the year. If you aren’t sure yet what days you will need care, no problem, just book when you do know. We also take casual bookings at short notice. You will receive email confirmation of your booking as soon as you make it online.
You will receive your invoices by email on a weekly basis. These will come to the email address you use to set up your account.
a. If you have shared guardianship, and would like separate bills, please set up individual accounts.
b. We prefer payment by Automatic payment. Alternatively, you can pay via credit card, internet banking or cheque
Continue regular communication with your centre supervisor and let us know if you have any feedback
At Crofton Downs Primary School we have devised a programme to support our students when issues arise in the playground. This system is called Big Buddies. Students receive special training to enable them to act as third party mediators between two or more of their peers, who are caught up in a conflict and want to see it constructively.
We have also created a Play Buddy system, where seniors organise games for students to play at morning tes time.
Both of these groups are easily recognisable as they wear hi-vis vests.
Enrolment Scheme:
Crofton Downs Primary School now has an enrolment scheme. For find out the details of this, CLICK HERE.
Enrolment Scheme Procedure
You can find the link to the Crofton Downs Primary School Zone Procedure HERE.
Prospective parents are welcome to come and talk with Toby Stokes (Principal) and have a look around the school. Please call 04 479 2429, email either This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for an appointment.
To enrol at Crofton Downs Primary School please complete THIS ENROLMENT FORM (this link will open a new page and you can enter the details directly into this).
You are able to download a Prospectus by clicking the link.
If you have any questions then please contact the school office between 8:30am and 4:30pm during term time.
The amount of homework given will vary depending upon the age of the children. We like to think that everyone is encouraged to read for a short time each night.
Teachers give a varied amount of homework and what is given usually focuses on Spelling, Reading and Maths.
Please feel free to talk to your child's teacher about what the expectations are for that particular class.
At times older students - mostly in the Senior Pod - will work on project based homework. This is done by choice and is negotiated with the student and the teacher.