Useful Information
Extra-curricular Activities
A number of additional activities, including chess and piano lessons, are available for children to take part in at school and during school time. As these activities are all run by people from outside the school, there is a charge for each activity.
When information about these clubs and activities become available then we publish this information on our website under the Notices heading and will, at times, refer to them in our school newsletter.
Activities during school
The following activities are run at school during school hours:
Chess lessons
These are run on Wednesdays at 1-2pm during school terms by Kiwi Chess. The classes are taken by Scott Wastney, a former New Zealand Champion who has represented New Zealand at four Chess Olympiads. Scott has been teaching chess professionally in New Zealand and Australian schools for three years. His classes are suitable for children who have some knowledge of chess and also for beginners. For bookings and enquiries please contact Scott on 461 7079 or 021 155 7403 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Music lessons
Goodtime music acadamy ph: 04- 570 2730
Jump Jam
The whole school takes part in Jump Jam aerobics regularly throughout the year.
Kapa Haka
Each week the whole school will participate in our Kapa Haka training. Afterwards several of the students stay with the teacher to develop their performance skills for special events and powhiri at the school.
Activities after school
The school offers the following after-school and weekend sports and activities:
Miniball is a version of basketball for young players. The school enters two teams (for years 3 & 4, and years 5 & 6) each year in the miniball league run by Nairnville Recreation Centre in Khandallah. Games are played on Mondays (Y5/6) and Tuesdays (Y3/4) in terms 2 to 4 at the Nairnville Recreation Centre. The team co-ordinator for 2012 is to be advised, but watch out for notices coming home with your children.
The school enters the Northern Suburbs Netball competition each year. Games are held at Newlands College on Saturdays in terms 2 and 3. Coaching is provided at lunch time by a school parent, Tali M.For more information contactthe CDPS office. We have won the trophy for grade B for the last two seasons.
Japanese Supplementary School:
The Japanese Supplementary School is for those students fluent in Japanese. It is a self governing independent unit with a Japanese Principal and staff, and operates outside normal school hours with two after school sessions each week.
Activities in the area
Many Crofton Downs Primary School children take part in the following sports and activities run by clubs and organisations in the area:
Riai Aikido Wellington. Visit the Riai Aikido Wellington website for more information.
Bigair Gymsports ™
Bigair Gymsports™ programmes are designed for pre-school children through to young adults to tune their senses, focus their minds and develop skills such as balance, landing, springing, rotation, spatial awareness, imagery and manipulative skills. Bigair Gymsports™ facility
Click HERE for more information.
Based at Nairnville Park, the Onslow Junior Cricket Club caters to children from age 5 in the northern suburbs, including Crofton Downs. The cricket season begins at the end of October and runs to the end of March.
Kelly Sports
Kelly Sports Wellington (Western Suburbs) provides children's sporting activities and fun over a wide range of sports including soccer, netball, cricket, gymnastics, circus skills, hockey, basketball, rugby and ball skills. Many Crofton Downs Primary School children take part in the Kelly Sports summer soccer and summer netball leagues.
The Western Suburbs Junior Rugby Club is based at Ian Galloway Park in Wilton and provides rugby for primary and intermediate-aged children from Wellington's Western suburbs, including Crofton Downs.
Onslow Junior Football Club is based at Nairnville Park in nearby Khandallah and caters to boys and girls from age 5 onwards from the northern suburbs of Wellington including Wadestown, Crofton Downs, Ngaio and Khandallah. The football season runs from mid-April to the end of August.
EasySwim Swim School operates out of Khandallah Primary School’s indoor pool which is private, quiet and heated to 30oC.This provides the ideal environment to learn to swim or improve swimming technique.
- Pre School Lessons
- School Age Lessons
- Adult Lessons
- Holiday Intensive Courses
- Private Lessons
For bookings and information, call 234 7946 (234SWIM) or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Keith Spry Pool in Johnsonville also offers swimming lessons.
Table Tennis
Onslow Table Tennis Club caters for adults and children from 10 years old. Adults meet on Thursdays and children on Fridays. The season runs from late March to September. Contact Kevin Haines, Phone: 478 0841 (h) / 471 3929 (w).
The Ngaio Tennis club is a community and family-friendly club offering a wide range of tennis services for players of all levels and abilities including beginners, mid-week ladies, social players and 13 senior interclub teams competing successfully at all levels of competition. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.